In 2017, there were 107 cases of cysticercosis


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In 2017, 107 Mexicans suffered from cysticercosis, an infectious disease that affects the population of 15 to 40 years old and spreads in the muscles, eyes, brain and causes partial paralysis, a loss of speech , cerebral infarction and hydrocephalus.

Minerva López, Chief of the Department of Neurology of the General Hospital of Mexico Dr. Eduardo Liceaga explained that this disease occurs when a person consumes food contaminated by the Taenia solium larva and the damage that it causes. It causes in patients can be permanent.

To avoid cysticercosis, the specialist said that hygienic measures when preparing food are essential, as well as washing hands, disinfecting fruits and vegetables and cooking pork well.

The most common cysticercosis is cerebral cysticercosis, which in recent years has reduced its incidence of severe cases.

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