In 2017, there were 31,000 174 homicides, according to preliminary data Inegi


In 2017 there were 31 thousand 174 homicides in Mexico reported the National Institute of Statistics and Geography ( Inegi ), according to preliminary statistics, nationally and by state.

That is to say 25 homicides per 100,000 population nationwide a rate higher than that recorded in 2016, which was 20 homicides per 100,000 population, he said. .png "src =" "style =" width: 441px; height: 271px; "/>

These figures are derived from information on vital statistics derived from administrative records of accidental and violent deaths, which are generated by federal entities, he explained.

According to Inegi, the report contains records of 2 thousand 127 civil servants, 688 public prosecutor's offices and 145 forensic services who monthly provided information to the Institute.

He mentioned that in 2015, the Inegi captures information from homicides directly from forensic services by the certificates they are also used for accidental and violent deaths.

"In addition, he seizes data at the registrar's offices on deaths, in this case homicides, by means of death certificates and certificates "
This information is supplemented by that provided by the agencies public prosecutor's office through statistical books.

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