in 2019 it will be tested in humans


Digital Millennium

A new vaccine against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) had a good chance of successfully combating AIDS: after neutralization of several strains of HIV with the animals, vaccine is almost ready to undergo tests in humans at the end of 2019.

This was reported on June 4 in the scientific journal Nature, quoting a to study led by researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States.

New vaccine experimental, adapted to attack vulnerable regions specific to the strain of HIV, managed to generate antibody in tests with mice, guinea pigs and monkeys, thus neutralizing dozens of human immunodeficiency virus.

Thanks to these good results tests of the laboratory, medical researchers are optimistic about the tests of the vaccine in humansbecause he showed he had great power to neutralize dozens of strains of HIV.

The doctors revealed that the procedure consisted, in the first place, of antibody able to neutralize the strains of HIVand then antibody with an immunization based on the structure of the surface protein of the disease to which they bind to increase their effectiveness.

Preliminary tests in patients humans of the new vaccine are planned for the second half of 2019. For now, doctors are trying other techniques to make it more powerful and effective, and to provide better results.

This is one of the most recent and effective attempts to create a vaccine broad spectrum that protects and neutralizes a wide range of human immunodeficiency virus.


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