In 5 years, Colombia must have a thousand franchise brands


There are three ways to undertake: from scratch, that is, an idea taken for a business plan and implement it; also the purchase of a company that with a new owner establishes a redirect and the third is to belong to a network that has experience, knowledge and works in a coordinated way.

In the latter model operate franchises, that is, an enterprise with one or more people in a certain area to exploit a product, an activity or a business name (see Notice).

In dialogue with EL COLOMBIANO Luis Felipe Jaramillo member of the board of directors of the Chamber of Colombian Franchises (Colfranquicias), declared that the country arouses a great international interest, to such an extent that it ranks as the third nation where there is greater opportunity for franchise growth, after India and Indonesia. ] "This is due not only to the good growth of this business over the last twelve years, Colombia is the priority as a destination for the expansion of Brazilian, Spanish, Mexican, Argentinean and Peruvian franchises", said the leader, who noticed that the country's franchises have been multiplied by five, from 103 brands to 506, of which 58% are of national origin (see chart)

Why an investor should- he prefers a franchise, instead of starting a business from scratch?

"Eight of every ten companies that start from an idea up to the start of the business plan. business perish the first year. In the case of the franchise, nine out of ten survive in the fifth year, because there is experience, knowledge and decisions.

Is the recovery of investment ensured?

"In a franchise from the beginning, it says what is the initial investment and it is quantified the right of entry, which is the membership value of the network, as well that equipment, furniture, supplies, operating expenses and working capital needed to bring this business to a point of balance.That means that it is already defined what who is waiting to support the differences between sales and expenses, so that this company can reach the point of balance and from there, to recover the investment that normally is in the Five-year horizons It is estimated that about the third year, on average, a deductible helps recover the initial investment. "

And, what if it does not happen?

"The deductible is designed for the fourth and fifth year there is the possibility that the investor accumulates capital.If the franchise only allows the recovery of money in the fifth year, d. somehow we can talk about self-employment.Ideally, the overall value, well-being and accumulation of capital should be generated, which should allow reinvestment. "

How Often Is Reinvestment in the Franchise Important?

.Satisfied entrepreneurs who are part of a network want more, in other words, if the benefits of l & # 39; Businesses are proven, many franchisees want a second or third party, what is called multi-franchisees, a situation that reflects among other things satisfaction degree that a franchise has with its network of customers, who are participating as & Contractors or investors; that is to say the franchisees, and that's a good criterion that encourages the selection process, if there are happy people who want more, because there are Meme it has an indicator that things are working and that they are doing well. " [19659003] How did national franchises behave when they crossed borders?

"This is a very big challenge, and I think thanks to the devaluation of the dollar three years ago we have already recovered a lot interest in internationalization; Today, there are only fifteen Colombian brands that have an international presence.The avant-garde group is that of fashion companies.We know that the companies Antioquia are very present in fashion and that they have franchises, they greatly appreciate their proposals for internationalization and take them beyond natural markets such as Central America, the United States. Ecuador, Peru and Spain and why not? And to open new markets.I am talking about Cueros Vélez, Fájate, Bosi, who now have the opportunity to turn faster because they have very well-established brands, very well positioned in the national market, they already have knowledge of and now validate that the franchise is a vehicle that can bring them to other latitudes "(see They say of …)

How do you see the issue of franchises in a horizon of five years?

"It will always depend on the economic, political and social environment, I want to tell you that since the results of the May 27 presidential elections, we have begun to see that many companies that were packaged have begun to sink who won Iván Duque began to release many companies, investment funds that wanted to participate in franchise projects were cautious and have already let go. there will be favorable conditions and we would like to think that with a public policy of support for entrepreneurship and, in particular, the franchise, we could even double, what does it mean "I wish we were with an offer of over a thousand franchises and with over 25 thousand franchised establishments."

How many franchises are generated each year in Colombia?

"Last year, we went from 433 to 506, or 67 franchises, and in the last two years 113, so if the sector is growing, but we could do it faster, and what is 67 out of 506?, because that's 12%, so what I want to tell you, we're growing double digits. " How are franchises promoted in the country?

"We have an international event This month, July 10th and 11th, will be held the International Business and Franchise Fair in Corferias, Bogota, where we will have a hundred brands from thirteen countries. This year we are expecting some seven thousand visitors and doing business for $ 12 million. "

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