In Banxico, they earn more than AMLO


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The Governor of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) and the four Deputy Governors who make up the Board of Directors, will earn more than the President of the Republic.

According to banking data updated to June 30, 2018 and validated By July 7 this year, the governor of Banxico, Alejandro Diaz de León, has a gross monthly remuneration of 365 thousand 517 pesos and net of 247 thousand 865 pesos .

Deputy governors Manuel Ramos Francia, Roberto del Cueto and Javier Guzmán Calafell, earn 354,212 gross pesos a month, a net salary of 240,437 pesos [19659002] Irene Espinosa Cantellano, the first female deputy governor and the last member of the Board of governors of the central bank, has a higher net salary compared to the rest of its peers at the same level, with 242 thousand 171.53 pesos.

A few days ago, the virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced that he was going to reduce his monthly amount of 270 thousand pesos that the current president receives to 108 thousand pesos once. he takes possession on December 1st.
The virtual winner of the past July 1 election will send a bill so that no one wins more than the federal executive, but it is unclear whether stand-alone organizations such as Banxico will be included.

UNIVERSAL consulted the Bank of Mexico to find out if the central institute has considered reacting to the salary cuts of the president, secretaries and under-secretaries of state, as well as senior officials of the federal public administration or with another measure of austerity as in previous occasions.

"The Bank of Mexico has no comments on this," responded via Social Communication

According to information available from the Bank of Mexico, no member of the collegiate body Has additional perception in money or in kind.

Neither do they receive bonuses, commissions, allowances, bonuses, stimuli, economic support or benefits in kind. The above because it is not provided for in the general conditions of work.

The salary of the governor of Banxico, Alejandro Díaz de León, is in line with that of his colleague Jerome Powell, president of the US Federal Reserve. , with 16 thousand 808 dollars a month equivalent to an approximate amount to 319 thousand 352 Mexican pesos, according to information from, a portal that is connected to the International WageIndicator Network with presence in the United States and which has the support of the Harvard Law School to make the job market more transparent

Who sets the salary? In Mexico, the salaries of the members of the Governing Board of the Central Bank are determined by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV). The Law of the Bank of Mexico establishes that the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors will be fixed by a committee composed of the President of the CNBV and two persons appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury and Public Credit whose designation does not generate conflict d & # 39; interests.

This decree prevents the determination of remuneration from being used as a means of pressure for the conduct of monetary policy, to the detriment of Banxico's autonomy.

Similarly, it prevents officials from directing the central bank to determine compensation, given the inherent conflict of interests.

Measures of austerity. Recently, when the federal government needed to tighten their belts, the Bank of Mexico expressed its solidarity by doing the same, because as an autonomous body they are not obliged to respect the provisions of the law. austerity.

economy and expenditure discipline of the Bank of Mexico for an amount of 140 million pesos.

The regulations adopted by the Board of Directors have been brought into line with the austerity measures announced by the Government in the Agreement for Economic Strengthening and Protection of the Home Economics

The remuneration budget was reduced by 10% of the salaries and wages of higher command officials.

Authorized a 10% reduction in travel and promotional expenses, as in videoconferences.

The budget for investment projects and maintenance services has been reduced by 98 million pesos, as well as the recruitment of temporary staff.

The goal was to rationalize the use of public resources and increase their efficiency, according to Banxico.

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