In France, they want to extend the national holiday for today


France is looking forward to the final of the World Cup and yesterday took advantage of the patriotic atmosphere to wear the colors of its flag as part of the celebration of the 229 years of the taking of the Bastille.

the National Party, the blue, the red and the white were seen more often than usual in the streets of the capital, where many Parisians wore the team jersey which they said, would lead them to victory. "Le Bleus", a full-fledged national newspaper "Le Figaro", which highlighted the values ​​of the team for their notions of "solidarity and collective effort", which they attribute to the Coach Didier Deschamps

a rival to the pitch with "a big heart", but a mistrust of the ability of his players to resist the "freshness" of the French

In this general fatigue rest the hopes of fans who already see France as winner.

"3-0 for France, as in 98!" Predicted Mathieu Bartoli, a follower who will participate today in the Champ de Mars, in front of the Eiffel Tower, where the authorities hope to welcome 90,000 people to watch the game on the four giant screens that will be installed.- EFE

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