In Mexico, six of the top 10 most sold cars are not safe • Forbes Mexico


In Mexico, six out of ten top-selling models could not be sold in more advanced economies in their cheapest version, according to the new NCAP vehicle evaluation program for the region. . 19659002] The evaluation, according to the newspaper El País, shows that the Ford Figo car sold in Mexico only has frontal airbags in the base package, which contrasts with most European countries, where the the same car has a "slightly" lower price and counts, with airbags front, side protection, ABS and electronic stability control.

"Until this year, the base Volkswagen Jetta being manufactured and selling in Mexico has two airbags, while in the United States, despite leaving the same factory [de ensamblaje] there has six (airbags) and stability control, "commented Alejandro Furas, secretary general of Latin NCAP. 19659002] Tambi n you can read:

According to the study, it's the same with the Mazda 2, which is manufactured in Mexico and has only two airbags for the local market, unlike those sold in Europe and that imports from Mexico, which has six and also stability control.

The Profeco and Latin NCAP asked the 18 largest manufacturers, according to the newspaper El País, to commit to a code of ethics so that the vehicles that sell in the country offer exactly the same level than those sold in the United States, Europe, Japan or Australia.

"The Automotive Industry Code of Ethics requires equal treatment for Mexican consumers in other countries, putting life, integrity and physical health ahead of economic interests," says the code that we can see on the Latin NCAP website here.

For Stephan Brodziak, coordinator of the road safety campaign The P The most reserved scenario is the most reserved scenario.

"As there are serious deficiencies in monitoring, we estimate that there could be up to more than 24,000 deaths each year." Data reliability is another pending task, " said Brodziak.


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