In prison for feeding their children with Coca-Cola and brownies


A man was sentenced to prison to feed her kids with brownie and coca-cola cupcakes.

The event occurred in France and the court sentenced him to 3 months in prison for this action.

The government gave him money to feed the children

According to local media reports, the convict the maintenance of social assistance in alcoholic beverages was spent and he only bought stuffed cakes and Coca-Cola from his kids.

The 2 miners showed serious problems of mental and physical development.

Dad is illiterate

The representative of the association French victims 87, Carole Pepon, said that the person concerned did not know how to read, write or count. The oldest had to remove 7 teeth because of the decay and the child could not speak.

In addition, it was reported that the department in which they lived did not have basic services. Similarly They did not have refrigerators, beds, food and toys.

Rescue the children

The children have been sent to foster families where they will receive healthy food. The authorities announced that they would soon undergo a psychological and medical assessment to determine What other evils do they have? to maintain this lifestyle.

With information from Excelsior.

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