In Puebla, Lincoln alleged thief by settlers


PUEBLA, Pue. (appro) .- The neighbors of the colony, Jorge Murad, lynched a person tied to a pole and hung a card on it, saying, "It happens to me like a thief."

On Thursday morning, early in the morning, the municipal police went to the scene, at the main entrance of the colony located in front of Central Abastos, where he found the lifeless body of this no one, about 25 years old, half naked and severely injured. hit

SUMA Emergency Department paramedics checked whether the person in question had any signs of life. Expert services were therefore invited to attend the removal of the corpse.

According to preliminary information, the man would have had several injuries on the body, as well as a wound with a sharp weapon and a stab to the head.

With this death, there are 17 victims of lynchings since the beginning of the year in Puebla. The business did not stop despite what happened on August 29, when residents of Acatat de Osorio murdered two people, an uncle and a nephew, whom they accused of causing death. to be kidnappers while they had only arrived in the city of Vicente Boquerón to buy a vehicle. sand load.

Before this affair, 16 other lynchings had been consumed in Puebla:

On May 31, residents of the ejidal community of El Sabinal, in the municipality of Libres, beat and burned a person whom they accused of trying to steal a motorcycle.

On May 24, the villagers executed three people on their own account, accusing them of aggression in a small shop frequented by a senior citizen.

A month earlier, on April 24, residents of Atoyatempan beat and hanged a person they accused of robachicos after allegedly stunned him by looking at preschool children with suspicion.

Another case was recorded on April 11, when residents of Tlacotepec de Juarez ended the life of Ciudad Serdán, president of the municipal electoral council, Gaspar Palacios Monterrosa, whom they accused of attempting to steal a motorcycle.

A few days earlier, on April 8, four people were burned to death in the community of San Simón Yehualtepec, who accused them of attempting to steal a caravan and hit several houses after their escape.

On March 26, another lynching took place in Santa María Zacatepec; This time, the locals beat a person who, according to them, was the leader of a gang of thieves operating in this region.

Before that, on March 17, another person, accused of robbery, was burned alive in San Miguel Canoa.

On February 11, in the community of San Gabriel Ometoxtla, in the municipality of Juan C. Bonilla, a crowd of villagers beat and suspended a person's feet until he was killed, allegedly because she caught him stealing, however, it was later confirmed that he was really a taxi driver.

On January 23, the first case of lynching occurred this year. As in the city of San Juan Tuxco, municipality of San Martín Texmelucan, the inhabitants of San Francisco Tepeyacan contacted a minor who they accused of stealing a motorcycle and ended up murdering him with blows. .

In the past three years, 48 ​​people have died during this type of popular executions in Puebla; eight of them in 2016, 23 in 2017 and 17 so far this year.

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