In Puebla, they reinforce the municipal aspirants


Puebla.- On the last day of the campaigns, the candidates for governorship Martha Erika Alonso, of the Por Puebla al Frente coalition; Miguel Barbosa, of Juntos Haremos Historia Puebla, and Enrique Doger, of the PRI, focused their closures on supporting the contenders of their parties or alliances at different election positions.

The PAN, PRD and MC candidate, supported by The New Alliance, Martha Erika Alonso Hidalgo, organized an event organized by the Turquoise Party with members of the Teachers' Union, where she promised to lead a sensitive administration and close to society.

Alejandro Romero Carreto, a former governor of Nueva Alianza, who refused in favor of PAN, and with whom was signed an agreement called Engagement for Puebla, based on 13 points.

She mentioned that she was the only candidate who traveled through the 217 municipalities of Puebla, identifying the needs that will be solved in her first few months of government

Meanwhile, in the heart of San Pedro Cholula, the candidate of Morena, PT and PES, Miguel Barbosa Huerta, demanded that the To remove the hands of the elections.

The senator with license says that his obligation is to guarantee the safety of those who will elect their new authorities and popular representatives.
"This electoral process means a change or leave the things as they are, say the power of society, do not be intimidated by their dirty war," he said.

PRI Enrique Doger Guerrero has not carried out massive campaign closings anyone who signed the pact for early childhood, with which he pledged to reduce to 45% the percentage of girls and boys under the age of six living in poverty.

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