In seconds, they steal $ 27,000 from an Apple store


California police released a video showing theft of products at an Apple store in which thieves took about $ 27,000 worth of equipment of this brand.

Between four people took laptops and cell phones from the facility located in Fresno, in what is already considered one of the most important flights in this city.

It was the morning of Saturday when the rascals entered the city, and in a few seconds they took

Incredibly, the shoppers stayed inside the store by choosing their devices and did not realize what was happening.

Thus, without threats, without hood or disguise. the theft was carried out, the Vanguardia portal reported.

"The witnesses were clear that the suspects were aggressive and that it was a flight of the take-off and run style," the lieutenant told him. Fresno police, Rob Beckwith, at CBS, although in fact no customer seems particularly scared in the video.

The only people who reacted to anything were the women at the table in the lower right corner, who ran and disappeared from the scene.

To clarify the case, the California police offer money for any clue that can bring them to the criminals; However, there is still no clarity as to the quantity that would be delivered.

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