In Sonora, affected by the protest against mining spills against the contempt of the government


URES, son. (apro) .- To protest against the federal government's forgetfulness and indifference to the contamination of the Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers, those affected by the 40 million liter spill of toxic miners organized a demonstration in what should have been the Unit for Epidemiological Surveillance and Environment of Sonora (Uveas).

The protest of the victims of ribereños included the placement of a cover reminiscent of the ecocide and desolation experienced by the 24 miles affected in seven municipalities of the Sierra.

Benjamín Cokelet, co-executive director of Power (Project on Organization, Development, Education and Research), explained that the artistic representation commemorates the tragedy and the fourth anniversary of the macroderram took place on August 6, 2014 due to the irresponsibility of the Buenavista mine, a subsidiary of Grupo México. ] "This is not a happy day, it's a day of anger, anger, frustration because at these dates we think of all This has not been done in the last four years years, "said Cokelet.

The Poder Organization is a regional, non-governmental and non-profit organization. Its mission is to promote transparency and corporate responsibility in Latin America from a human rights perspective, as well as to strengthen civil society actors affected by business practices.

One by one, representatives of recognized watersheds Grupo Poder expressed his dissatisfaction, as Ramon Miranda, of Aconchi, who stated that the population as a whole was affected "in our environment, in our nature, because our economy and our activities depend on our environment. "

Francisca Siqueiros, from Ures, regretted this tragedy that shook the lower sierra of the state, as life on the banks of the rivers Sonora and Bacanuchi changed radically

"Unfortunately, this August 6 was a day the sky joined us with the earth, it was the worst thing that could have happened to humanity, because it was a large-scale ecocide, "he said. said

s Roberto Guerrero, of Huepac, said that they still counted cancer cases detected over the past four years.

"Despite the size of the sick people we found, l & # 39; 39, money went to a building like Uveas, According to Cokelet, the data presented by the Rio Sonora Trust show that three organizations received 184 million pesos to provide water tanks to families after the spill. the School of Civil Engineers of Sonora, but the second organization "was founded by Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo, then undersecretary of Semarnat, who is also the chairman of the Technical Committee of the same trust.He created a civil association who received money from the same trust to put the water tanks. "The third most disturbing fact, according to Cokelet, is the company of Rotoplas," whose name is seen in each of the tinacos along the Sonora River ", is owned by Carlos Rojas Mota Velasco, a relative of Germán Larrea Mota Velasco, the owner of Grupo México.

"They spent the money from the trust in their own businesses," he said.

"This half-finished construction is a constant reminder of the unfulfilled promises of the Rio Sonora Trust, whose leaders pledged to make a clinic here." Mario Salcido, member of the Ures Basin Committee, accused the government and the company Grupo México for neglecting the communities of the Sonora River, which have been neglected since the spill.

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