In Tamaulipas, 410 cases of tuberculosis are registered per year: says Gloria Molina


Ciudad Victoria, July 13 .- Tamaulipas health secretary Gloria Molina Gamboa, said the entity records 410 cases of tuberculosis each year, but most cases have acquired resistance to usual antibiotics, which prevents its treatment, I report

"The cases range from 400 to 410 cases each year of tuberculosis in Tamaulipas, the treatment is six months, there are 4 pills that we give them and we are in below the national average 13 or In an interview, he said that "TB is a public health problem all over the country, and we take this condition as a priority to try as much as possible," he added. incidences diminish. "

Molina Gamboa said that they seek to unify the criteria with all health personnel, to see that the patient is the best possible treatment over and does not resist"

In this sense , he said" it is a disease that of ten cases six are men and four women, and the first affected by tuberculosis are the economically active age, as you know it is very difficult for the man to d & # 39; Arrive to consult until it hurts and that's when they come with us to the health centers. "

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