In the middle of a fight, one woman devoured the face of another: "I am 28 years old and I no longer have a nose," said the victim.


Jessica Collins, a 41-year-old woman, was arrested last week in Conroe City, Texas biting and swallowing a part of the nose of a Another young woman in the middle of a fight.

According to the ABC chain, the victim, identified as Tatiana, went out with a friend to a bar where they drank with Collins. Then they all went back to Tatiana to continue drinking on her patio.

At one point, Collins asked for cigarettes and more alcohol. When Tatiana said no and asked her to leave her house, the woman was thrown on her, grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the floor. Then he devoured his nose .

"I did not have time to react, to push her back," Tatiana said. " All I remember is the taste of blood in my mouth" said the young woman.

"I do not have a nose, I'm 28 years old and I do not have a nose!" Tatiana recounts through her tears in an interview with abc.

The Young woman added that since the attack, has trouble leaving her room "the only place where she feels safe". As Tatiana does not have health insurance, a friend has launched a crowdfunding campaign to get the $ 12,000 she needs for cosmetic surgery, which has already exceeded her goal.

After being arrested, Collins was charged with violent assault with bodily harm, and is awaiting trial, although she has already been released on bail.

"I've seen a lot of things that I've seen from other parties bitten.] Are things that happen ," said Mark Herman cop at Fox News. "This is probably the first case we've had in four or five years, but it happens."

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