In the middle of the action, a young man catches his partner and stabs the lover


Coahuila.- In the afternoon of this Monday, a young man was arrested and suspected of stabbing the possible lover of his partner in the city d & # 39; Acuña.

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According to the information of Zócalo, 21 year old Emmanuel N, found Cristian Iván N also of 21 years possibly having intimate relations with the partner of the aggressor.

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It is assumed that at the time, Edgar Emmanuel started a fight that would have ended when he allegedly stabbed Cristian Iván six times

After the facts, the prosecution opened an investigation and that is after having gathered sufficient evidence that the criminal court judge of the accusatory and oral system of Piedras Negras he issued the warrant of arrest against Edgar

Thus the detainee will bring his criminal trial to the border town of Piedras Negras.

With the Zócalo information.

In this note:

  • Coahuila
  • Acuña
  • Lover
  • Assassination
  • They Arrest
  • Piedras Negras

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