In the PAN there were betrayals: Damián Zepeda


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The National President of the PAN, Damián Zepeda, states that there were militants within the party that betrayed in the elections ] [InaninterviewwithUNIVERSALEhevotedonhannamesandthedetailsofthesetrainershavedeliveredtheywhoeveryonewasnotthedayandthattomethesupport Ricardo Anaya and his candidate.

Militant of a party that negotiated all the reforms with the PRI in the Pact for Mexico, Zepeda Vidales now takes another stance: to negotiate nothing with the new government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador to realize positions.

From the change of leadership, he says that his successor will not let an agreement between domes and will not impose a candidate. This, he says, corresponds to militancy

This does not coincide with those who say that Anaya Cortés and her group harmed National Action.
  zepeda1.jpg "src =" .mx / sites / default / files / u14372 / zepeda1.jpg "style =" width: 441px; height: 662px; "/> </p>
<p>  <strong> <em> How Does National Action After July 1? </em> </strong> </p>
<p>  -The PAN is a party that has a lot of history, c & rsquo; Is a very strong party, which consists of people of character, the PAN is a fight, in these 78 years we have had moments of triumph and defeat, and the constant is that character and struggle continued , I believe that there is a lot of national action coming, we will be part of the construction of this new stage of the country, and I have no doubt that We will assume the role that corresponds to us right now , which must be the country's first opposition, and support what is right for Mexico and defend the citizens of what not.In the medium and long term, seek to be the option of the citizens </p>
<p>  <strong> <em> Does the PAN experience a crisis like the PRI? </em> </strong> </p>
<p>  -No, I think these are different moments. t, the election result is different, although in both cases there is a presidential defeat, and in the states it is not the same situation. </p>
<p>  It was a bad result, of course, there was a national phenomenon. In modern history, there was not such an overwhelming vote towards a person, as is the case of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. It was he who represented the change that people wanted for Mexico, we were a different option for change. The problem is: why was it chosen for Morena and not for PAN? We believe that it is multifactorial. There are probably internal but also external problems that lead to this result. </p>
<p>  I think this has to do with a number of things, including the brutal attack on our presidential candidate (Anaya) by the government. federal, an illegal attack that had a negative impact; There it is in the numbers, and it is there that the company decides to go with Andrés Manuel, and we never recover from that moment. It was a total abuse of the federal government. </p>
<p>  Another factor was the so-called PRIAN, which was very damaging and negative for the national action. </p>
<p>  People also came to the conclusion that the PAN had already reigned, the PRI also Andrés Manuel did not do it and they gave him the opportunity. I think it's a false premise, because this generation of PAN members had never ruled and second, Andres Manuel had ruled Mexico, and he had hurt a lot, but there was a factor in the environment. </p>
<p>  I do not want to blame, but in citizenship there was still the issue of the war against drug trafficking, even though we distanced ourselves from the decision of former President Felipe Calderón, I think this element also influenced, like the PRIAN or I went to the Pact for Mexico, which also had a political cost, and I do not recall it. I 've voted for reforms, more internally, that' s why you have to check everything. <br /><img alt=

There are voices that say that Ricardo Anaya destroyed the PAN Do you consider that?

-I do not know If we take stock of leadership, when he was in charge, it is not the case. This election has had a very particular phenomenon, never seen before, and the causes must be considered as situations encountered by this leadership. , as with the PRIAN

Did the Citizen Front for Mexico hurt the PAN?

– I do not think so, it was a positive thing. we won the Senate, without the Front we would have lost, we made an agreement on common legislative issues, we never thought of one parliamentary group.

Each party has its identity, Each of us in our group has a program, and there is a common program which, I hope, will continue to be promoted, even if we do not. we have not talked about it, but it would be good to promote it.

Ricardo Anaya should not have been the presidential candidate?

-C-was the best candidate who could have PAN

Was there betrayal?

-Doubtless yes I will not pay attention to this issue, but I have my opinion and I say it: certainly, there were those who supported the PRI, in particular.

There were those who actively engaged in this inappropriate behavior and there were those who did not support

Who betrayed?

– I will not pay on this subject.

Can we see a pact of civility between anayismo y calderonismo?

-I speak as a leader, not as a representative of a group, but it is true, there were strong differences with those who betrayed the party and supported another coalition; If you have a candidate like PAN and you say activist, it does not make sense and it is a motive for expulsion, but it will be dealt with. There have been blatant cases, supporting the PRI when it is with what we fought, because it made no sense for them to continue in the PAN. That is why we proceeded with Ernesto Cordero, Eufrosina Cruz and Jorge Luis Lavalle

Did the so-called "rebels" hurt panism?

-But they detract from the unity of the National Action Party

However, a "rebel" wants to be his successor, Roberto Gil, who do you think?

-Who has his rights in security and gathers the support of the signatures requested by the statute can participate, militancy will decide.

How will the relationship be with the new government?

-The PAN must understand that his role is one of strong opposition, with courage and character, personally, as a leader, future senator, my opinion is that the PAN does not seek no accommodation, he must have an identity, because he enters In a bargaining plan to see what we can get back, not to have a firm stance, it would be a terrible mistake, and I would not be in favor of that. We must win with ideas, even if the figures do not give us the Congress

I recognize that the new government has sent a good message on economic issues, but I also see it in peace in the country facing the # 39, insecurity. Where I see differences, it is perhaps in the method to achieve this peace or the question of not wanting an independent Attorney General, it is terrible, or appoint coordinators in the states.

Zepeda to PAN?

-C & # 39; is a leadership that has triumphed and defeated. This year, the result has not been as expected, I would say that we need to review the leadership in an integral way.

Do you want to be a coordinator in the Senate of the Republic?

-I will be where the PAN president will say. I think we can all legitimately aspire to many positions, but I am institutional, I will respect the decisions of management.

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