In the square Artz Pedregal there was a human error, admits Amieva


MEXICO CITY ( .- José Ramón Amieva, head of the government of the capital, acknowledged that "there was a human error", given the collapse of the place Artz Pedregal.

At the end of the ceremony delivery – reception of the property located in Paz Montes de Oca 93, the general settlement Anaya, after the completion of the demolition work of the property affected by the earthquake of 19-S, Amieva approached the collapse of the mall and said that they are investigating Three Fields of Application

The first, he said, refers to building permits in the part of the collapsed place.

Second, Amieva explained what were the causes of the collapse. "Some versions have been published that point to an excess of load, to excess weight in the structure."

The third litter referring to "human error here," he said.

Separately, it was announced that the debris removal tasks would be completed on July 15 after the collapse recorded at the Place Artz Pedregal and that it would be Monday that the Lateral Periférico would be reopened to motorists.

In a statement, the Capitalino government reports that the debris removal works show an advance of more than 90%, and that a rammed earth is installed in said building, but this Sunday will remain closed. 39 Peripheral and peripheral pedestrian access to the shopping center.

Road and pedestrian after partial collapse of the road affect square in Santa Teresa at the Federal Police Building located south of the capital.

"Regarding the work in the collapsed structure, they will secure the beam with stroboscopes, cut with half of the oxyfuel equipment and contain the fall or slip of the material with a backhoe", says the same statement.

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