In the year, 410 tuberculosis patients in Tamaulipas


The Secretary of Health in Tamaulipas reported that thousands of cases of this dreaded disease occur every year in Mexico

Tamaulipas records 410 cases of tuberculosis per year but there is a very high percentage of cases that have acquired resistance to the usual antibiotics Gloria Molina Gamboa

The health secretary of Tamaulipas reported that thousands of cases of this dreaded disease occur every year in Mexico, although Tamaulipas is "The new cases range from 400 to 410 case every year of tuberculosis in Tamaulipas, the treatment for six months is 4 pills we give them; We are in the national average 13 or 14 of the country which complicates because we are border for the migrants, the returnees back from the port we have the care centers. "

In an interview at the end of an information workshop held by health sector officials in the construction of Victoria's municipal presidency, the Mentor pointed out that out of 10 registered cases, six are men and four women.

"If tuberculosis is a public health problem in the whole country, we take this condition as a priority to treat as much as possible the incidents and especially in workshops like this one to unify criteria with all OSH staff to ensure the patient is best served to complete treatment and not resist medication

"It is a condition that of 10 cases 6 are men and four women, and the first affected by tuberculosis are in active economic age, as you know, it is very difficult for men to come and consult until it hurts and when they are very bad, they come with us to health center, "he said

. "They go to the health centers, they go positive, they start the treatment, and three or four weeks after the treatment, they stop feeling bad and usually leave the treatment. when they relapse they are resistant to the drug "lamento."

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