Increase cases of influenza AH1N1 in Yucatan; total 16 dead


In Yucatán, health authorities stepped up actions to prevent new cases of influenza

So far this year, 16 deaths and more than 200 positive cases have been confirmed for influenza serotype AH1N1 in l & # 39; state. 19659002] "We have confirmed cases of influenza in the laboratory, 243 and a total of sixteen deaths.We have a thousand 683 probable cases," said Mirza Tec, deputy director of public health in Yucatan.

The 16 dead had a chronic illness that could worsen their health.

"With obesity, hypertension, chronic respiratory disease diseases, some situations such as smoking and in all this is to reaffirm the finding that we find with the outbreak of the epidemic "said Mirza Tec, deputy director of public health of Yucatan

. surveillance and epidemiological prevention to prevent infections in hospitals.

"We can guarantee that they are protected from the virus in which we treat patients.The Institute is prepared, we have enough drugs and care to be able to guarantee in the coming weeks", said Alonso Sansores, deputy director of the IMSS in Yucatan.

"We have 14 family medicine units, which count as well as comments The health sector is asking the population to maintain basic hygiene measures such as hand washing, avoiding sudden changes of temperature and if symptoms such as severe pain occur Headache, fever, cough and runny nose go to the doctor

According to the Ministry of Health, influenza serotype AH1N1 is a virus present throughout the year. Year in Mexico, but there is the presence of moisture, especially in the states of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Strengthen measures against flu in Campeche before an outbreak in Yucatan [1945900] 3]


This is an acute disease of the lanes It is curable and controllable if medical care is needed.

Currently, among the different types of influenza viruses in Mexico circulate three seasonal viruses: A (H1N1), A (H3N2) and Influenza B.

This disease can occur pandemics, epidemics, localized epidemics and sporadic cases


The family of influenza viruses is classified into three types: A, B and C. Type A comprises three subtypes: H1N1, H2N2 and H3N2 that have caused epidemics and generalized pandemics; Type B has rarely been associated with regional or dispersed epidemics; type C is linked to sporadic cases and small epidemics


From one person to another (the virus enters the body through the mouth, nose and eyes), mainly when sick or flu-carrying persons expel droplets of saliva while sneezing or coughing in front of each other without covering the mouth and nose; sharing utensils or food of a sick person; or by greeting, kissing or kissing a person with a respiratory infection.

It can also be transmitted by contact with surfaces previously contaminated with saliva droplets from a person suffering from the flu, such as hands, tables, computer keyboards, mice, items of sports, hand grips, handrails, telephones, disposable tissues and tissues.

Install a sanitary enclosure in Sinaloa before deaths due to the flu

[19659002] With information from Alejandro Sánchez and the Ministry of Health


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