Increase consumer confidence to make good purchases


Consumers were more optimistic in June 2018, the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) recorded a monthly change of 1.07% in the sixth month of the year compared to 0.66% in May, which represents they have better expectations as to their possibilities and their economic situation.

According to data from the Inegi (National Institute of Statistics and Geography), the component that measures the expectations of families compared to current opportunities, presented a monthly increase of 1.93%; This situation reflects the fact that in June of this year, families felt that they had more opportunities to make purchases of durable goods such as furniture, TVs, washing machines, and other household appliances than ever before. 39, in May.

In the sixth month of the year the previous month, consumer confidence has also been found over the next few months, they can acquire a new car or second hand.

Low Confidence

On the inside, the current economic situation of households compared to the one presented a year ago, this referent was the only one that recorded a new decline (0.51%) after recovering in April and May.

Families reduced confidence that in a year their economic situation will be better than now, in May 2018 there was a monthly change of 0.55% and in June it was 0.30%.

The household perspective the current situation of the country compared to what was experienced 12 months ago has dropped by 0.04% per month, which means that the country is in less favorable conditions than the # 39, last year.

In addition, also lost confidence in the future, families are no longer so convinced that the country will be better in the next year, the component that measures these expectations rose from 3.88% in May at 3.36% in June of the current year.

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