Increase the financial cost of the "public debt" [Negocios] – 11/3/2018


Mexico.- The financial cost of the public debt continued its upward trend from January to September 2018, along with increases that led to interest rates and exchange rate volatility, while material investment recorded a slight increase. , driven by the energy sector, which offset the decline in communications and transportation and education.

According to the figures published by the Ministry of Finance, in the first nine months of 2017, the financial cost amounted to 359 000 278.5 million pesos and 421 000 592.8 million pesos during the same period in 2018. Increase in the real annual rate of 11.8%.

Between January 2017 and September 2018, Banco de México's benchmark interest rate fell from 5.75 to 7.75%, while the exchange rate ranged from 20.73 to 18.72 pesos per annum. dollar.

The financial cost of the federal government, which represents 71% of the total, was 9.5% higher, while that of public sector agencies and enterprises (29%) was 18%.

With information from Milenio

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