Increasing risk of spinal injury in youth


MEXICO.- Currently, three out of every hundred young people in Mexico have spinal cord injuries because they were allowed from an early age to use the mobile phone to play or send SMS. has been transformed into excessive use not only of the mobile phone, but of various electronic devices alert the Ministry of Health.

Conditions that were recorded only in the adult stage, affect children of eight years, such as back and neck pain, electronic devices and thumbs because Prolonged inclination of the neck causes the weight of the head to be reloaded on the cervical vertebrae. [19659002] You might also be interested: How much alcohol do you consume per day? You could have high blood pressure

In an interview with Excelsior, María Dolores Enciso González, a sports medicine specialist at the Juárez Hospital in Mexico, pointed out that worsening the situation, c & # 39; is that children and young people's vertebrae also suffer from herniated discs and, therefore, will be candidates for spinal surgery in its second decade of life or even before this stage.

The specialist of Hospital Juárez de México reported that in addition to the increase in injuries to the neck and spine, younger patients are taken care of every day because, in order to entertain their children, parents allow them to use cell phones, the iPad or the tablet.

The above, he points out, not only generates posture problems, but anxiety and dryness in the eyes due to the magnetism of electronic devices.

indicates that children under six use electronic devices for games or entertainment.


María Dolores Enciso González, specialist in sports medicine at the Juárez Hospital of Mexico, points out that to properly use the mobile phone of any electronic device such as the iPad or the tablet , the following items should be considered:

The ideal age to allow the use of a device is from the age of six or at the beginning of the year. primary education.

The use should not exceed 45 minutes in a row. If it is necessary to use it for a longer period, as for school work, there should be a 15 minute break.

It is ideal that the device cellular or electronic corresponds to the eyes, in order not to bend and injure the neck, keeping the spine erect and feet well supported on the ground .

With information from the Excelsior portal.

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