Increasing working hours until Saturday as proposed by AMLO could be negative


Various Organizations Recommend Reduction working time, staggered hours and maternity and paternity leave, so that professional development does not interfere with the well-being of families, this contravenes what President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposes in his 50 points to fight corruption, proposing to increase the hours of work of government employees until Saturday.

According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the country's productivity does not depend on hours worked, because a Mexican employee accumulates a greater number of hours worked per year than the 35 country of the organization, and still the country's productivity stagnates.

In the case of In Trusted Government Workers, Andrés Manuel indicates in point 27 that they will have to work from Monday to Saturday at least 8 hours a day. Some analysts believe that the measure is not related to the fight against corruption or austerity.

The Federal Labor Law states that trusted workers are classified according to the duties they perform, that it is management, supervision, "These long hours of work n & # 39; They do not increase productivity and, on the other hand, they have serious consequences, ranging from effects on mental and physical health, until children take on adult tasks, which they do not. are not well cared for and up to the teenage pregnancy increase, "Regina Tamés, director of the Group of Information Reproduced Elegida (IWRM).

IWRM explains in his report "Hours of Work: Co-responsibility in Professional and Personal Life", that a balance between work and private life is needed, adding a concept of "conciliation" which aims "a Harmonious relationship between two domains that are today completely fragmented and "

" Productivity does not mean working more hours. "Although this is a good opportunity for" reinvention of the administration public, trying to put it in the modern world, "Manuel Molano, deputy director general of the Mexican Institute of Competitiveness (IMCO)

Manuel Molano says that the performance of employees is not it s & # 39, improves by having more hours in the office, but other types of measures can be implemented to improve your productivity.Maybe improve the connection for videoconferences, as meetings are punctual start and finish, use technology, etc.

"The productivity of labor in Mexico is 4.5 times higher than that observed in Oaxaca and Chiapas, Thus, at the global level, the dynamism in the states of the North and Bajío is thwarted by those located mainly in the south, where productivity is not only low, but remains constant and even decreases ", organization Mexico, how are we?

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