Increasingly permissive parents give way to obesity and diabetes in children


"What can I do, doctor, if you do not want to eat fruits and vegetables?" Leticia García Morales, director of the Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome Clinic at the Federico Gómez Hospital, confessed to the heads of families. It is worrying that sometimes children are not so big and are already developing type 2 diabetes; In the Clinic of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome of Mexico City Children's Hospital Federico Gómez, it is more and more common to treat infants with obesity or overweight problems, and diagnosed with diabetes Mellitus type. 2-disease until only a few years ago characteristic only of adults-, as well as the metabolic syndrome, that is, lipid alterations, high blood pressure, as well as in sensitivity to the disease. insulin, "said Dr. Leticia García Morales, head of the department of endocrinology of the said hospital.

In an interview with Chronicle the specialist and responsible for the aforementioned diabetes clinic, regretted that it was becoming increasingly common to find parents who lost power and who n & # 39; Have not known how to limit their children, to whom it is enough to say that they do not want to eat vegetables, so that parents do not insist.

For the case of type 2 diabetes, he warned, a group of children was detected, without being overweight or obese, but higher than what corresponds to their genetics "because the production insulin that pushes a lot

"Sometimes they are not so big and can develop type 2 diabetes, this segment of the population is the one that concerns us the most because it already occupies a little over 35% of the clinic population while previously, it accounted for less than 5%, which is the case of adult diabetes in Mexico, this incidence has increased alarmingly. "

"A child who is too tall may become a red target, if he grows more than his fair share, above his genetics, but he grows up above his features Genetics one of the most important causes It is common to have a bad diet, a certain imbalance in the contribution and the expenditure of energy and when there is a context of risk, it becomes a factor of development of the diabetes, even in thin children who have type 2 diabetes, "he said.

He adds that in this clinic, currently, approximately 370 children with diabetes are treated, while patients with metabolic syndrome number 280, most of them resulting from poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and food intake and beverages of high caloric value, but not very nutritious.

At the clinic, they take care of children for one year; in the case of diabetes, cases have been recorded since the age of four and, in the case of babies, they have been received for nine months or a year, already with problems of obesity, he said.

Another subgroup of attention, newborns with diabetes, rare, but it occurs due to genetic mutations, alterations in the cells that produce insulin, and they were born without adequate production of insulin. In these cases, a specific cause has not yet been identified and can not be avoided.

Dr. Leticia García Morales pointed out that the situation observed is that parents are unable to set limits to their children, that they are more permissive, that they do not set clear rules and that they are not allowed to fix their limits. they find it easier to pamper themselves if they want to be with their kids for three hours, because they work all day, and prefer to spend it to taste, literally the parents even said, "Doctor What do you want me to do if I tell him that he does not listen to me? I already told him to eat that (vegetables or fruit) but he wants to eat something else, what can I do? That's what they confess to me, that is, the child can be more than the parents.

This situation led us to consider offering another workshop, in addition to those already offered in clinic such as: disease awareness, good nutrition, insulin application, blood glucose monitoring, exercises, as well as monitoring and complications of the disease, which are taught to children in a didactic session, simple and short, so that they learn all the concepts and do not get bored, and there are d & # 39; Other workshops for parents in the same direction.

In this context, he shared his interest in creating a workshop on "How to exercise parental authority and how to set limits for children," for which, they already have clinical psychologists working on this aspect.

He emphasized that if all members of the family are willing to change their eating habits and not to let anything that hurts the child – processed foods, sugary drinks, sweet bread, foods rich in fat – enter the house it is decided to consume more fruits and vegetables, the possibilities of attachment to treatments by children are greater.

On the contrary, those environments in which there is no real desire, especially among adults to change the old harmful habits for themselves and for the little ones, there will be a failure in the treatments, because the little ones come out very well the will of the workshops, but there is practically a "boycott of their good intentions at home", and it is there, he says, that is the main challenge, because it has It has been observed that adults are more difficult to rehabilitate. "Adults are the most reluctant to change our mental structure, it is there that the real change must begin," he said.


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