Indignant aggression of the nurse of the IMSS on a minor patient


Sinaloa- A nurse from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), was recorded beating a minor in the pediatric emergency area of ​​the regional hospital number 1, in Culiacán.

According to witnesses face, the child had special conditions and was transferred from the municipality of Ahome, north of the state, to be treated for esophageal varices and high blood pressure, which explains why it should not be changed.

In the video that lasts less than two minutes a security guard is first observed in front of the minor, preventing him from leaving the emergency zone and the nurse 's voice elsewhere, but intervenes then.

With blows, the miner drives to bed and even threatens with a tie if you do not obey.

"You're already tall, you have to be careful so go to bed, I'll tie you up if you do not go to bed, so get in there, look what you need."

In the Loneo ja, apparently the minor scratches the nurse, who manages to make her sit on the bed.

However, a few seconds later, she gives him a spanking of the right hand, the youngest responds by kicking him and the nurse gives him seven strokes

Again with jerks, and while the youngest crying, he climbs into the bed with the help of the security guard, and immobilized, gives him three more spankings while the child continues to cry

"I I'll put you in prison, "said the youngest, to which the nurse replies," and I'm going to accuse you because you hit me, in the buttocks does not do anything " , justifies itself at the end of the video

Apparently the recording was done by a woman who was in the same Sala, who assured that the miner's mother was not at that time

The dismissed

After the broadcast of the images, the delegation of the IMSS in Sinaloa responded with a brief

"The Delegation of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Sinaloa, condemns any form of abuse or aggression in hospital units and reports that an investigation has been open statement concerning the behavior of a nurse towards a patient hospitalized Regional General No. 1 of Culiacán. This investigation will determine the causes and will define the responsibilities to be sanctioned, if necessary, in accordance with the regulations, "reads the document.

In addition, it states that" it makes available to the patient and his family the means of complaint and denunciation. by coordinating care and referral to the right holder. "

Yesterday afternoon, the delegation of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Sinaloa issued a brief statement condemning the" unjustifiable "behavior of the nurse, and confirmed his dismissal.

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