Indonesia closes three airports due to eruption of Agung volcano in Bali


Jakarta .- The Indonesian authorities announced today the temporary closure of three airports, on the islands of Java and Bali following the eruption of the Balinese volcano Agung which affects nearly 450 flights and about 75 000 passengers.

The Bali airport facilities will remain closed until the end of the afternoon, after which agents will reassess the situation.

In addition, two other aerodromes with domestic flights, both located east of the island of Java, suspended their functions.

The National Disaster Prevention Agency estimated at least 446 canceled flights, including 207 international and 74,000 928 passengers affected, in a statement posted on social networks.

The eruption sent a column of ashes up to 2,500 meters, said the spokesman of the Sutopo Purwo Nugroho agency, although the level of alert does not have any effect. has not been raised, which remains in a moderate situation.

Since last year, the Agung volcano, located east of Bali has erupted several times and with different intensities.

In November, the activity of Agung forced the airport to close for several consecutive days, which affected visits to the tourist island of Bali and led to the evacuation of some 30,000 people who reside near the volcano.

More than 5 million foreign tourists visited Bali in 2017 by air, according to the airport operator.

The last big eruption of Agung occurred in 1963, lasted a year and killed more than 1,000 people.

The Indonesian archipelago is based on the " Pacific Ring of Fire ", an area of ​​high seismic and volcanic activity that is shaken by thousands of earthquakes a year, most of little magnitude. 19659005]


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