Industrial production recovered slightly in May


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After two consecutive months of decline, industrial production in Mexico recorded a slight recovery in May, driven by buoyant manufacturing activity, according to data published by Inegi.

which includes the extraction, production, transmission and distribution of electricity, water and gas to the industries of final consumption, construction and manufacturing, increased 0.1% in real terms last May compared to the previous month After March and April, manufacturing industries rose 1.9%, following a 2.6% decline in April %

. supported by its American counterpart, thanks to increased demand for Mexican products.

In 12 of the 21 activities comprising the ufactura man recorded an increase over the previous month, among which the manufacture of transport equipment stands out, with a monthly increase of 9.1%; computer hardware, communication, measurement and other electronic equipment, components and accessories, at 3.7%, and the other manufacturing segment, up 2.4%.

Major withdrawals. On the other hand, the activities that recorded the largest monthly setbacks in May were textile manufacturing – except clothing with a decline of 3.3% – petroleum and coal product manufacturing, down 3% , 1%, and metallurgical industries, In respect of the rest of the sectors that make up the industry, the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, water and gas by pipelines to end consumer decreased by 4.5%,
one of the biggest declines since January 2002, when it fell 5.7% to
monthly rate.

On the other hand, the construction industry recorded a decline of 0.9% in May, due to a weak With regard to the construction of works of civil engineering, it experienced an increase of 1.2%, while specialized work for the construction industry rebounded 3.2%. In addition, production in the mining division decreased 0.7%, following a monthly increase of 1.4% in April.

By components, oil and gas extraction decreased by 1.3%.

; mining of metallic and non-metallic minerals also decreased by 1.3%, while mining-related services grew by 2.5%.

In its annual comparison, industrial production increased by 0.3% during the month in

By sectors of economic activity, manufacturing industries grew by 2.8% while construction rose by 0.5%.

On the other hand, mining is down 6.6% and production, transmission and distribution of electricity, supply of water and gas through pipelines to the final consumer 39, made in 2.6% last May compared to the same month of 2017.

They predict a stagnation . A slight improvement in industrial production was expected in the second quarter of this year, up 0.3% from the previous quarter, but current results point more to stagnation, said Eduardo Gonzalez, an economic analyst at CitiBanamex.

. Manufacturing output has experienced favorable growth, so that growth may continue over the next few months, supported by manufacturing progress in the United States, while other industrial segments will tend to grow. improve in the coming months. [ad_2]
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