INE and TEPJF urge politicians and society to show tolerance


  INE and TEPJF ask politicians and society for tolerance at the post-election stage

Image taken from Twitter: @INEMexico


Joint statement of the presidents of the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) called on citizens to go and vote with freedom next Sunday.

The advisor to the president of the INE, Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, pointed out that the best guarantee the popular will be respected, is that 1.4 million citizens will count the votes.

TEPJF President Janine Otálora called for tolerance for the post-election phase. He asked that the rispideces of the countryside do not affect social coexistence .

On Twitter, Córdova Vianello added that it will be one of the most-watched elections in recent times. "The # 1dejulio we will have official observation by the OEA_oficial of 907 foreign visitors from 60 countries and more than 30 thousand national election observers."

"It is only in democracy that we and the citizens can exercise our freedom: remember that in a democracy the only bad decision is not to participate. Let's go out this Sunday to vote for the options that generate in us the conviction: @JanineOtalora ", mentions the INE in another of its tweets.

THE CITIZEN WILL BE CONSTANTLY INFORMED BY INE ON THE SUNDAY NEXT [19659021] In order to keep citizens informed of what will happen in relation to the Election Day, which will take place on Sunday, the National Electoral Institute (INE) will continuously disseminate information on this process described as the "Electoral Day". one of the most important and important in the history of the country.

INE President Advisor, Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, asserted that one of the objectives is that accurate and abundant information be disseminated with the participation of 794 accredited media; it will be the fight against false news .

He said that it is fundamental to the certainty of the election, so that it is "an anchor point for the political stability of the country and the recreation of the Democratic Form of Government "

The INE's Presidential Advisor stated that the media are considered strategic allies for fighting false news, especially as they are being disseminated through social networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube inter alia

Faced with false news circulating on various platforms, the electoral advisor Claudia Zavala called on all citizens to act in a prudent and responsible manner while the advisor Pamela San Martín said that the best way to answer the doubts and that these do not become misinformation but elements of certainty, is to provide clarity and publicity by informing n official.

* amgl

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