INE orders Anaya to download his video due to the election closure


The Complaints and Complaints Commission of the National Electoral Institute ordered Ricardo Anaya, presidential candidate of the coalition "Por México al Frente", to remove or download on his Twitter and Facebook account the video where he asks not to let the electorate take for the alleged "dirty war" that exists against him, in a time not exceeding 3 hours.

In extraordinary session, and by a majority vote of the two voices of electoral advisers Adriana Favela and Pamela San Martín, they resolved the complaint to lower the audiovisual content of the PAN candidate to appeal to a possible proselytism during the electoral ban.

Counselors explained that the fact that a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic issues an open message to citizens, where he warns that "do not be deceived by fake or edited videos", may constitute a propaganda electoral, since a few hours of the election is posted publicly through a social network and aims to take into account an element that could incite or persuade the decision of potential voters. }

Meanwhile, the electoral adviser Benito Nacif considered that the material published by Anaya does not make propaganda and in another case it will correspond to the TEPJF regional specialized chamber to determine if this would have violated the prohibitions envisaged in the electoral norm during the electoral closure.

"Out of respect for the law, today I can not ask you to vote anymore, but I can ask you not to be fooled by the dirty war, the edited videos and the fake videos" , says the representative of the PAN, PRD and MC alliance in the audio-visual released yesterday afternoon in his official gutter of Twitter.

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