INECC experts warn of Mexico's vulnerability to climate change


CITY OF MEXICO (apro) .- Specialists from the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) have indicated that Mexico is one of the most vulnerable countries to change because of its geographical and socio-economic characteristics and its degree of vulnerability. In this sense, INECC launched the campaign on climate culture #ElCambioClimaticoNosToca, whose goal is to publicize and disseminate progress, projects and key challenges outstanding in the agenda climate change from Mexico to the Third Meeting. National climate change will take place next September.

In the event will be announced the results of the sixth national communication on climate change that aims to inform Mexico's efforts and limitations to climate change and compliance with the commitments of the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change.

This document serves as a tool to draw the attention of national, state and municipal decision makers to climate change concerns.

In recent reports, the CINCI has reported that the increase in temperature, accompanied by increase in the days of extreme heat and decrease in the days of extreme cold and frost, led to the increase of the temperature. an increase in Category 3 or higher cyclones and more severe droughts which together affected 90% of the territory.

document Mitigation and adaptation to climate change commitments for the period 2020-2030, in Mexico, climate change has caused people deaths and high economic and social costs.

Only between 2001 and 2013, those affected by weather phenomena estimates are estimated at about 2.5 million people, while economic costs amount to 338.35 billion pesos.

In addition, negative events are compounded by social conditions such as poverty in various sectors of the population and the environmental degradation that affects their communities, which increases their vulnerability.

"We are going very fast and we are running out of speed," said Amparo Martínez. Arroyo, Director General of INECC

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