Inertial growth, until 2020: CEESP


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Mexican consumers will temper their purchases because of the cautiousness and deterioration of purchasing power, so that inertial economic growth is expected not only for 2018, but also for the next two years , the Center for Economic Studies of the sector. Private (CEESP).

In his weekly executive economic analysis, he pointed out that when inflation picks up, the power of purchase deteriorates.

He explained that the release of fuel prices, the depreciation of the foreign exchange rate by external situation and for the electoral process, they raised the quotation to 22 pesos per dollar for a few moments, which led the specialists to correct their forecast of inflation to 4% by 2018.

The document explains that the increase in prices and the greater caution of consumers is clearly visible in the fact that the sale of Cars on the domestic market accumulates 12 consecutive months with negative variations. 9002] He explained that Mexico is faced with uncertainty about the survival of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), as well as the possibility that US tariffs affect the dynamics of exports of the country, because a little over 80% of sales abroad are sent to the US market

For the moment, the outlook does not reveal sharp increases in growth, but the perception moderate is that the economy will grow an average of 2.24% in 2019 and 2.39% in 2020, ie, it is expected that "the economy maintains inertial and insufficient behavior for the benefit of households" .

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