Inés Sainz returns to criticize AMLO and attack him with everything | Chihuahua News


The sports journalist Inés Sainz shared, via Twitter, a video in which he is assured that if Andrés Manuel López Obrador wins the presidential election on July 1, Mexico will become Venezuela and, in addition, the alleged proof of funding by the regime Venezuelan to Morena.

The video that Inés Sainz shared this Thursday is an episode of the Podor Factores series, which is presented by Venezuelan journalist Patricia Poleo, who, according to her Twitter profile, is in exile in Miami, Florida , in the United States, since 2005.

In the video Sainz shared, Venezuelan journalist Poleo presents an alleged intelligence report, which the authors do not disclose, which collects "evidence that leads to the conclusion that if Andrés Manuel López Obrador wins in Mexico City, Mexico will soon be a Venezuela. "

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