Inflation in June was the highest in 29 months


The rest of the groups experienced more moderate increases, below the general level, with the exception of Clothing and Others, which remained almost at the same level as the previous month.

The provincial body measure for June reflected the pocket that meant lack of control over the macroeconomic variables produced from March. In April and May this year, inflation was 2.68%. A seasonal comparison gives clues to the magnitude of inflationary theft: in June of last year, the CPI rose 1.01%.

In the last 29 months, only July 2016 showed inflation similar to last month. an increase of 4.38%.


The report released yesterday by the state agency of the province points out that the food group was the one that most affected the monthly variation of the general level, contributing more than 60, 00 percent, with an increase of 5.03 percent and a 53.00% stake in the index basket.

In food, the main increases were in oils and fats (13.06%), bakery products, cereals and pasta (11.22%) and condiments and other food products (7.9%). , 45%). On the other hand, the fruits showed a slight decrease, on average, of 0.80% compared to the previous month and the Sugar, Sweets and Cocoa subgroup, a decrease of 1.15%.

10.12% increased the CPI of Neuquén in the second quarter

This percentage will be weighted with that recorded in Cordoba and in the country to discount the salaries of the l '. state and teachers from July. The half-yearly inflation reached 16.19%. The rise in consumer prices in interannual terms reached 28.32% in June


Neutral inflation was higher than the national average in May

Up to now , inflation in April was the highest

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