Inflation in the Peruvian capital reaches, or 33%, the second highest rise in the year | AmericaEconomy


Lima . Inflation in the metropolitan area of ​​Lima was 0.33% in June this year, higher than in May 2018 (0.02%) and in June of the previous year (- 0.16%), and the second largest in this year, reported the National Institute of Statistics and Information Technology (INEI).

Cumulative change in the metropolitan Lima consumer price index for the sixth month of the year was 1.08% and the last twelve months (July 2017 – June 2018) reached 1.43%, with an average monthly rate of 0.12%.

The annual change in consumer prices up to June (1.43%) is higher The result for June is explained by the increase in prices observed in the eight major commodity groups. consumption: Transportation and communications (0.79%), Other goods and services (0.44%), Food and beverages (0.42%), Health care and conservation (0.14%), Clothing and footwear (0 , 12%), Furniture and Appliances (0.11%), Education and Culture (0.05%) and Rent of Dwellings, Fuels and Electricity (0.01%).

The observed price increase in food and beverages is mainly based on the increase observed in non-alcoholic beverages (2.8%) such as fruit nectar (7.6%), packaged soft drinks (7.5%), soft drinks (2.3%) and moisturisers (1.2%) due to the effects of In addition, due to higher prices for fresh vegetables and legumes (2.4%), such as lettuce (16.1%), American vanilla (12.3%), Chinese onion (8.6%), broccoli (8.2%), gherkins (5.8%), pumpkin (5.6%), carrots (3.7%), pores (2.3%), corn (2.1%) and Italian tomatoes (1%). ), because of the decline in the supply of these products.

The behavior of the consumer price index of the Lima metropolitan area, excluding food and energy (core inflation) in June 2018, increased by 0.28 %, with an annualized variation of 2.23%.

On the other hand, the price of fish and shellfish (-1.4%) such as choros (-9.5%), pejerrey (-8.3%), horse mackerel (-2.5) decreased%), tollo (-2.5%), smooth (-2%) and trout (-1.5%), due to higher revenues at the distribution centers.

Transportation and Communications. In the transportation and communications sectors, new car prices increased (5.8%), air travel (2.2%), international flights (2.8%) and domestic flights (0.6%).

Fuels and lubricants (1.6%) that experienced price increases were gasoline (1.8%), diesel fuel (1.3%) and liquefied petroleum gas (1%). , 1%), due to the rise in ISC and international prices.

Underlying inflation. The behavior of the consumer price index of the Lima Metropolitan Area, without taking into account food and energy (underlying inflation) in June 2018, increased by 0, 28%, with an annualized variation of 2.23%.

Award at the national level. In June 2018, the national consumer price index rose by 0.35% due to the increase in the transportation and communications (0.82%), food and beverage of other goods and services (0.44%)), each, Clothing and footwear (0.14%), Furniture and appliances (0.12%), Health care and preservation (0.11%) , Education and culture (0.04%); and rental of housing, fuel and electricity (0.03%).

Price by city. During the month of analysis 22 of the 26 cities where the consumer price index is calculated have recorded an increase in prices

The biggest variations have occurred in the cities of Puerto Maldonado (0.97%), Cusco (0.94%), Huancayo (0.91%) and Puno (0.88%).

Whereas, the cities that reported a price reduction were Tumbes (-0.29%), Piura (-0.06%), Pucallpa (-0.04%) and Huancavelica (-0.01%) ).

Wholesale price. In June 2018, the national wholesale price index increased by 0.28%, mainly due to rising prices of domestic products such as livestock (live chicken), fishing (bonito and cachema)) and manufactured (industrial oil and non-alcoholic beverages).

Similarly, the prices of imported products increased because of the increase in manufactured products (diesel oil and PVC resins); while prices of agricultural products (yellow maize and durum wheat) decreased

Machinery and equipment. The Machinery and Equipment Price Index, which measures price changes of domestically-owned equipment imported from the Lima Metropolitan Area in June 2018, increased by 0 23%.

increase observed in goods of national origin, such as industrial equipment (metal tank, batteries and office) and transport equipment (mototaxi and oil filters).

Similarly, the prices of imported products increased, mainly those of machinery and transport equipment (motor vehicles for the transport of personnel and light trucks).

Building materials. The prices of building materials in the sixth month of the year rose by 0.11%, which is explained by the rise in prices of plastic pipes and fittings (PVC), power supplies electric (cables for telephone installations), bricks (tambourine and king Kong), aggregates (sand and concrete) and wood (screwed and agglomerated panels).

Prices for concrete, majolica, mosaic and binding structures decreased

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