Influenza epidemics in Yucatan can be predicted: researcher


MERIDA, Yuc.- The outbreak of influenza AH1N1 recorded in Yucatán is due to the fact that virus to mutated by its very changing nature, but with epidemiological studies the authorities can predict with certainty what virus will circulate in the season and outside of this, said Alejandro Macías Hernández, an academic in Microbiology and Pathology at the University of Guanajuato.

In an interview with MILLENIO NOVEDADES, the expert in infectiology and epidemiology stated that it is possible to determine what the virus will circulate and, although one does not do not know how it will behave, we know that, in particular, that of the flu usually mutates and, consequently, the vaccine against this disease is updated

. same as in the year In the Yucatan Peninsula, it is not uncommon for epidemics to occur in the rainy season, beginning in June and July, "said the researcher.

most are not vaccinated

it will be vaccinated against the virus but the government does not have the capacity to vaccinate everyone but prefers to apply the biological preferentially to groups at risk.

In Yucatán in the season 2017-2018, according to Ministry of Health, applied 600 thousand doses when the population of Yucatan is about two million that is, only

He stated that the cases detected in hospitals are only "the tip of the iceberg" because they are the more severe, but when there are outbreaks in the community, there are many more cases. 19659003] "The situation is not fundamentally different n Yucatan happened sometimes to trigger outbreaks in July or August," he says.

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