Infonavit will pour a billion pesos


Infonavit plans to grant more than one trillion pesos for the current administration close, which stems from the new credit system in pesos and fixed rate.

David Penchyna Grub, general manager of Infonavit, pointed out that this figure means that the institute will surpass in six years all the economic outbursts of the institute in the 20th century.

He reiterated that in the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto, Infonavit will grant nearly 10.5 million loans and that 1500 mortgages are delivered daily.

This was declared at the inauguration of a public area that has a sports and a park with playgrounds in the housing unit, Fidel Velázquez Sánchez in Campeche, which has need an investment of 10.5 million pesos.

"We focused on helping build a better country through sustainable cities, by seeking public spaces for coexistence," said Penchyna Grub.

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