Innovative treatment increases the survival of patients with metastatic cancer


"About 60 or 70% of women with breast cancer will have a cancer subtype associated with endocrine therapy or having hormone receptor-positive, which has led to the development of new therapies", was -he declares. with Efe Dr. Gabriela Regalado

According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is the leading cause of death in the world.

Overall, this disease kills more than eight million people each year and at least 90% of cancer deaths are caused by metastases; that is, when cancer cells invade other organs.

"Currently, the treatment is designed for women who develop metastatic disease, may be premenopausal or menopausal in combination with another treatment, and this (new) drug has shown improvement. Said the specialist in internal medicine and oncology at the ABC Medical Center.

The idea, he said, is to seek, through innovation, more targeted, less toxic therapies and above all to improve the quality of life and the survival of patients,

"This are drugs that allow patients to have an adequate quality of life, hair does not fall, there is no nausea-vomiting, the profile of toxic effects is very low, which is different systemic chemotherapy to which we are accustomed, "said Regalado.

The expert estimated that 60% of initial cancer diagnoses are fully advanced or metastatic, so it is necessary to ensure a better quality of life" or a better result. "

He pointed out that new pharmacological therapies, if associated with endocrine therapy," improve the progression-free survival of metastatic cancer. "

This, he says, controls disease to such an extent that it serves women who may be in metastatic stages, with disseminated disease or even, in those who die, help them

New therapies, according to the specialist, inhibit two proteins called "kinases" that are overactivated when cancer exists and that allows cancer cells to grow and divide rapidly. "

the drug blocks these proteins and helps the cancer cells to not continue to replicate.

For the doctor, change the convention on treatments like chemotherapy by less aggressive patients gives the patient the hope of having an adequate quality of life, "a better toxicity profile, better control and a better answer. "

While in the stages where this drug works it is no longer possible to cure cancer, these new therapies help patients to not suffer typical symptoms related to the disease, such as bone pain, Shortness of breath and fatigue.

"Being able to rely on these therapies that can improve the outcome saves us more time to develop new drugs that help us to eradicate cancer in its infancy and, if metastatic disease is already there, we can control it. for many years, "he concluded.

Ribociclib was approved in Mexico last November by the Federal Commission for the Prevention of Health Risks (Cofepris).

With information from EFE

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