INPer detects 80% of congenital heart defects during pregnancy


CITY OF MEXICO, July 20 ( AlmomentoMX ) .- At the National Institute of Perinatology Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes (INPer), a multidisciplinary team of specialists was formed to detect diseases Congenital heart disease during pregnancy, and so, provide comprehensive care, improve the survival and quality of life of babies, said the general manager, Dr. Jorge Arturo Cardona Perez.

In a press conference, Cardona Pérez, said that during pregnancy is detected 80 percent of these structural alterations of the heart, that is to say when the cardiovascular system is formed. While in the rest of the country only 20% of these heart diseases are detected, the rest is diagnosed after birth.

He said that in 2017, 2.6% of all live births had congenital heart disease. . This disease goes unnoticed because there are no symptoms during pregnancy and occurs in a population without risk factors, making detection difficult.

In turn, the pediatric cardiologist, Alfonso Jesús Martínez García, pointed out that in the institute 100% of patients are screened for these abnormalities, which represent the second leading cause of infant mortality.

Heart disease is classified as critical, requiring cardiac surgery or catheterization in the first 28 years. The director of the Department of Medicine of mother and child, Sandra Acevedo Gallegos, insisted on the importance for pregnant women to perform cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterization the first year.

Ultrasound performed between week 18 and 23, which consists of scanning the growth of the fetal structures. However, he added, there are heart problems that are detected until the third trimester.

Acevedo Gallegos explained that the types of problems that can be detected in this study are the structure and shape of the heart, as well as heart function and rhythm.

Risk factors, he explained, occur in patients with arrhythmia, diabetes, hypertension or a family history of heart failure. However, the greatest number of cases is diagnosed in women who do not have a risk factor.

During the conference, two cases of women who had early detection of congenital heart disease were presented, which helped in the birth her children could have intervened and avoid her death.

On his occasion, Dr. Yazmín Copado Mendoza, a specialist in fetal medicine, explained that to take care of the mother and her child, a multidisciplinary team composed of geneticists and cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, maternal fetal doctors, obstetricians , psychologists and social workers.

On the other hand, in order to train health professionals to the rapid detection of these diseases, INPer will give the international course's approach on counseling. Congenital heart disease at the perinatal stage, July 25 to July 27, 2018.

In the forum, doctors who carry out ultralight studies will be activated Asonido obstetric in fetal life to acquire the necessary knowledge, and to detect in a timely manner the babies who have these diseases.




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