Insecurity overflows in Puebla


UEBLA, Pue.- The state of Puebla is going through a security crisis related to the operation of organized criminal groups dedicated to fuel theft and aggression of trains, which has resulted in the dismantling of the state government. three municipal police officers, either because they were overwhelmed, or because they were in collusion with criminal organizations. To these crimes add a wave of feminicides, the theft of transportation and commerce, and extortion against Catholic churches.

In the municipality of Huehuetlán, three policemen were killed and another wounded as a result of an ambush near the agricultural settlement of El Grande on Friday night, which is why, yesterday, the mayor of San Salvador was arrested Huixcolotla, Filomeno Cruz, with seven subjects heavily armed for their alleged involvement in the attack.

Filomeno Cruz has already been mentioned for allowing groups of huachicoleros to operate in their municipality. In addition, in December 2017, he verbally abused his counterparts in Tecamachalco and Acatzingo, after his police elements were not allowed to enter and inspect clandestine graves in his demarcation.

The police made a surveillance tour, however, arriving at the demarcation of the agricultural colony were surprised and attacked with firearms.

In this shootout three policemen died and another element was wounded, which was taken to the city of Puebla

Until now, the motive of the facts and the name of the attackers are unknown, however the authorities carry out the corresponding investigations.


In San Martín Texmelucan At least nine gunmen tried to steal a bank and a jewelery store in the center of the city, which led to a confrontation with the local police. blades that ended with the insurance of three people

Yesterday afternoon, armed individuals entered a Bancomer, located between the streets of Zaragoza and Juarez, to ask for money from the room strong, at the same time as it was taking I just completed another burglary at the Geser jewelry store, street Juarez.

After the bank's aid report, an operation was conducted, the municipal police found themselves facing the thugs who were assaulted by the jeweler's shop. During the clash and the persecution, the thieves managed to tear off a Tsuru vehicle to a family, and then leave it abandoned on the San Martin Texmelucan-San Salvador El Verde highway

EXTORTION OF PRIESTS [19659003] Priests of the municipality of Izúcar Matamoros were victims of extortion appeals, by which they demand payment of the "right to speak", which exceeds 20,000 pesos; However, up to now, they say, no one has accepted the pressures

The priest José Santiago Álvarez Carrera, head of the Santo Domingo de Guzmán Ex-Convention, announced that this type of calls is made from Guadalajara, Monterrey and the state. from Mexico and were notified at the time to the competent authorities. He explained that the appellants are asking for amounts ranging from 10 to 20,000 pesos or more, for an alleged "right of floor". The threat is that if they do not "cooperate" anyway, the criminals would take steps to change the public order.

Álvarez Carrera said that the priests of the Mixteca region are not the only ones to suffer this type of harassment because it is a problem

that has been generated at the national level.

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