Instagram: Angelique Boyer and Sebastián Rulli face the 2018 Russia World Cup | VIDEO | Shows


The couple of the moment, Angelique Boyer and Sebastián Rulli, showed that their relationship is one of the strongest in the world of Mexican entertainment.

Knowing this, Boyer decided to make some jokes to his partner in connection with Russian World 2018 . The actress, originally from France and Rulli born in Argentina, was split while their respective teams were playing the match that would allow them to go to the quarterfinals of the sporting event . The spirits were at the top.

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Through her narrative of Instagram Angelique Boyer has published several clips where she was able to see the couple enjoy the football match, although Sebastián did not have such a good time, since the Argentinian team was out of the competition.

"Love, I'm trying to save my energy for Monday's game … what are you doing …", says Angelica to her partner while the Argentinean watched closely the game.

Boyer at all times reminded his boyfriend that France is better than his Argentine counterpart, although the actor has not stopped encouraging his team to any time.

Despite the hopes that Messi and Company would achieve the South American triumph, unfortunately the French defeated them. In the pictures, we see a Rulli disappointed and sad about what happened in Russia 2018 .

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