Instagram: Thalia seems unrecognizable on the photo and fans blame her for using botox | Mexico | Singer | Shows


The singer Thalía wanted to show her makeup to Instagram but another detail caught the attention of her followers. And it is that his fans have said that the actress also seemed unrecognizable because of the excess of botox.

In the snapshot, the singer wears a white dress, hair pulled up bun and foreground There is his striking lipstick. "Kisses and more kisses," Thalía wrote next to the picture.

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As often happens in each of Thalía's publications Many of her followers have been accused of congratulating her for her beauty, but others felt that the singer was losing her natural beauty.

"It does not look like Thalia," "Totally different," "Fatal what vanity does, it's aging in dignity," "I thought it was me who had it odd view on the photo "," You do not favor makeup or hairstyle "," She leaves botox "and" As beautiful as she was, not with all the money the beauty of the world comes back to nature "," Too much botox "," What did you do, do not you look? "," Botox has already changed you a lot, I want to find my Thalia ", were some of the comments can be read in Instagram singer 19659005]  thalia

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