Instagram: Yanet García shares infamous video in tiny clothes and networks are upset | Mexico | Climate girl | Shows


Yanet García the young TV host, better known as " Chica del Clima " is one of the most beloved women of Mexico . And today, he has great popularity in Instagram a social network in which he usually praises his fans with his infamous photos and videos in which he wears tiny clothes that leave little to the imagination.

However, this time, he challenged censorship with one of his most recent publications on said social network . And did the beautiful TV model and presenter share a video that is part of a spectacular photo shoot in which he left little to the imagination.

YOU CAN SEE On Instagram: Yanet Garcia poses with tiny shorts and networks explode [FOTO]

Infarction. In the most recent publication of his Instagram account the young TV presenter shines in a daring photo for Maxim Mexico magazine, which decided to invoke the model and presenter, for make sensuality its next edition

In the publication of the & # 39; Daughter of Climate & # 39; which already has more than 314 thousand reproductions, 84 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from greedy users who have not hesitated to praise their fitness figure, which maintains a rigorous exercise routine and a balanced diet.

"As you are beautiful", "You have a beautiful smile", "Beauty of a woman", "Impressive" are some of the comments that we can see in the publication of Instagram that did not go unnoticed by the users who praised it. However, there is also another type of user who has been overtaken by comments made to the model, which were ignored by the TV presenter .

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