Interjet revives specialized freight service with more products


More participation in the market

R. R. I Mexico | July 27, 2018

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RELATED TOPICS: British Airways, airline Copa, Elena Garduño, Emirates, Iberia, Interjet, Cargo

With the aim of increasing your national and international market share After 5 years from its launch, the airline Interjet revived its service specialized in the transport of goods, which counts today more than 7000 customers.

Elena Garduño, Head of Marketing and Interjet Revenue Optimization, pointed out that Of these customers, 77% are domestic companies and to date, 10 international agreements have already been signed with airlines such as Iberia, British Airways, Copa Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Emirates, among others.

Interjet joined the free transport efforts of humanitarian aid (as in the case of Guatemala, after the violent eruption of the Fuego Volcano) and extended these services to As those of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, New York, Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

Garduño said that they could also carry delicate goods such as food, animals and medicines. available to the client: AviJet, FreshJet, PharmaJet, SafeJet, Hum and DG.

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