Internet cafe insured in Chiapas for the illegal printing of tickets


San Cristóbal de las Casas.- Elements of Specialized Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (Fepade) provided a cybercafe located in the municipality of Jiquipilas where several people printed aphrodisiac newsletts apparently for use on the day of the election of July 1 local authorities reported.

The case called Ciber Special located in the center of Jiquipilas was provided by the authorities, after receiving a complaint where several people presumably printed newsletters vote for the election of the mayor of this municipality.

Photo: Special

Police arrested two people who were handed over to the Crown to declare the case of 39, investigation opened before Fepade .

Up to now, the identity of the detainees and partisan militancy of each.

Photo: Special

In the municipality of Villaflores, the inhabitants denounce that the morning Friday, they found some envelopes with a letter from the candidate of Green Party Ecologist (PVEM) Mariano Rosales Zuarth where he asked to vote for him on [1erjuillet1945].

In addition to the letter, inside the envelope there was an invoice of 500 pesos in each ; the billfolds proved wrong

The spokespersons of the candidate stood out from the facts and blamed their opponents for these facts, with the " purpose to discredit us "

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