Interpol presents the video "The Rover", recorded in the CDMX


The American rock band Interpol, which had been absent from the scene for four years, created the video for "The Rover", a single with which he began promoting his recent studio album "Marauder"

. by Gerardo Naranjo (Narcos, The Bridge), the clip was shot last June in the streets of Mexico, which presents a psychedelic journey through the markets of witchcraft, underground and police barriers.

describe the video of "The Rover" as a prequel. This is the original story of the character described in the song, the birth of a cult leader. When you know it, it's partially volatile, "says Paul Banks

." It's a man on the razor's edge, an artist under great pressure and surrounded by existential frustrations. A distracted hipster who loves psychedelics, "he added through a statement

The song, meanwhile, adds more than two million pieces to Spotify.

The album" Marauder ", produced by Dave Fridmann, It was presented in the country last month at a press conference.It will be on sale August 24th at Matador Records

Interpol will be presented August 13th and 14th at the Municipal Theater Esperanza Iris At the end of this month he will reach the United States and for November he will visit several countries of Europe.

Information of Notimex.

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