Investigate suspicious packages at Clinton and Obama's home


US authorities announced today the discovery of two explosive devices targeting homes of Hillary Clinton as well as Barack and Michelle Obama, who did not come into contact with them or risk.

In a statement, the secret service said it obtained the package sent Tuesday to the former presidential candidate at home in Westchester County, New York, and intercepted Wednesday in Washington, DC. another addressed to Obama's house.

This discovery comes one day after the discovery of an explosive device in front of the liberal suburban complex of the philanthropist in New York. George Soros.

They find the explosive in the house of the American millionaire George Soros

Authorities said the device looked like a homemade bomb and that he was inside a package in a mailbox. The device was discovered at 15:00 on Monday.

Clinton House in Chappaqua, New York (Getty Images)

Clinton House in Chappaqua, New York (Getty Images)

An employee of the Soros complex opened the package and discovered the device. The worker placed the package in a wooded area and alerted the authorities.

Soros and the Clintons have both been the object of conspiracy theories of the far right.

Bill Clinton says that he owes no excuse to Monica Lewinsky

Earlier this month, the President Donald Trump She accused her former presidential rival without any evidence, accusing her of colluding with Russia in the 2016 elections.

At a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Trump said, "There has been collusion between Hillary, Democrats, Russia, and many other people."

Federal authorities are investigating explosive devices sent to Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Shortly afterwards, CNN announced that another suspect package sent to the White House had also been intercepted, condemning in a statement "attempts at violent attacks" against American personalities.

According to the New York Times, the artifact sent to Clinton, in the suburbs of New York, in Chappaqua, was explosive. The FBI said it was investigating.

New York FBI investigates suspicious package at Clinton House (Twitter: @NewYorkFBI)

New York FBI investigates suspicious package at Clinton House (Twitter: @NewYorkFBI)

The explosive sent to Clinton is similar to that found at Soros on Monday, the newspaper quoted a security official as saying.

Police in Chappaqua said the New Castle authorities were collaborating with the FBI, the secret services and the Westchester County police in the package investigation sent to Clinton.

"The case is currently under federal investigation," police said in a statement.

In New York, press reports have reported an evacuation of the Time Warner Center and the CNN news network.

With information from AP and Reuters


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