Invite to take advantage of the free campaign against skin cancer in the EU


In Nuevo Leon, the number of people with skin cancer is increasing and it is striking that patients are younger, partly because of tanning, say experts.


INFO7 – No Accurate Data To Date, But Dermatology Experts Do not Know That Some Fads Raised Skin Cancer Cases in Nuevo Leon, 2 thousand 572.

Previously, this disease was among people aged 55 to 75, but recently also among young people and, by genetic inheritance, even in children.

that now, for the habit of tanning or going to tanning beds that may eventually promote the development of skin cancer now young people are exposed to both types of solar radiation because they go sunbathing at the beach or in the pools. "

" In Nuevo Leon, in particular, it is cancer that occurs second only to breast cancer, but, fortunately, it is detected in time, we can talk about How cancer is treatable iel in the vast majority of our cases, "said the head of the dermatology department of the University Hospital, Jorge Ocampo Candiani.

But to know if you are at risk or even if you have any indication of cancer skin this department of HU has invited the fourteenth edition of the campaign "Detection and Prevention skin cancer "to be held this Sunday, July 22, from 9:00 to 23:00 in the morning, through the emergency zone.

Free, consultations, exams and even studies will be given.

"If you have a doubt then what better than in this day of skin cancer where we can examine them, where we use the infrastructure we have in the University Hospital and in dermatology as in foto finder who is a team to do body mapping and see injuries, by means of dermatoscopy in a gital ", said the Dermartológica Oncology Coordinator of this hospital, Osvaldo Vázquez Martínez.

In the conference, each year up to six thousand people are received and up to 100 cases of people deserving treatment have been detected.

these are detected more than a hundred precancerous lesions and skin cancer that will be diagnosed here at University Hospital they will be treated and all patients who will have will be followed, "says Ocampo Candiani

The three types of skin cancer are vasocellular carcinoma in 80% of cases, melanoma, which is the most aggressive, in 9%, and the rest in 39%. Hawthorn

This Sunday you can take advantage of the opportunity to attend 100 free professionals in the field of dermatology at University Hospital . [ad_2]
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