IP is concerned about the cyberattack against Megacable


The cyberattack against Megacable, which the company confirmed yesterday after complaints from many users for service issues, has again set off alarm bells in the corporate sector and the government because, apparently, it was an attack on several companies in the sector. what is called a ransomware, a harmful program that prevents attacked companies from accessing their networks or infected files and that is released only after payment of a ransom, usually in bitcoins or virtual currencies.

In the case of Megacable, the company issued a statement in which it admitted to being a victim of the cyber attack, but did not report whether it had paid the ransom. hack assigned customer service and contact, but not voice, video and data services.

It also does not specify whether it has been affected or not in the data of its customers and, for sure, the INAI will force it to inform if pirate user data.

If it was confirmed that there were other companies affected, we would still be talking about an international attack that some media have called Ryuk.

Companies will need to invest more in their cyber security to combat this type of attack. PGR and Ministry of Finance Authorities Should Strengthen International Cooperation to Provide Rapid Response to Ransomware-type Attacks, Because Rescue Plans Require Businesses pirate they are very high and in most cases the people concerned prefer paying them to free up their systems and continue to operate.

A challenge, no doubt, for Alfonso Durazo, who will be the next head of the Public Security Secretariat, and it is expected that the issue of cybersecurity will be included in the security plan of the new government that will be presented the next week.


60% of analysts surveyed monthly by Citibanamex expect a further increase in interest rates of the Bank of Mexico, which would lead to 8% on November 15 to organize the meeting on monetary policy.

For 2019, the average brought the forecast to 8%, compared to 7.25% compared to the previous survey.

In terms of exchange rates, they are also adjusting the forecast closing of the dollar this year to 19.63 pesos and, for the closing of 2019, to 19.35 pesos. There are sharp differences between analysts: the most pessimistic is Banorte, which predicts for the end of 2019 a dollar at 22.50 pesos, while the most optimistic is BNP-Paribas, with 17.75 pesos.

As for the GDP, the average forecasts that this year it will close at 2.1% and will adjust it slightly downwards by 2% in 2019. The most optimistic is again BNP Paribas, which forecasts GDP growth of 3% next year, the one at the other end is Finamex, which estimates a growth of only 1.6%.

As far as inflation is concerned, the average for this year is 4.5%; the underlying 3.55% per annum and for 2019 are more optimistic, as they believe this rate will fall to 3.80% per annum, although this forecast is slightly higher than last month's survey 3.70%.


Central de Corretajes (Cencor), chaired by Santiago Urquiza, confirmed that Liv Capital had injected an additional 350 million pesos of capital into the BIVA (Institutional Securities Exchange), consolidating its position as majority shareholder. In total, Liv Capital invested 1,000 million pesos in the new stock exchange, which began its activities last July and is headed by María Ariza.

By the way, tomorrow at BIVA, there will be a special opening ceremony for the sessions with the participation of the executives of Corporate Women Directors International (CWD), which encourages the participation of women in the financial sector and the board of directors. Administration of radio stations. We must remember that Ariza is the first director of a stock exchange in Latin America.


Concamin, chaired by Francisco Cervantes, is organizing a World Standards Day forum today, which will be attended by Rocío Ruiz, Undersecretary for Competitiveness and Regulatory Affairs of the Ministry of the Economy. Despite its importance, this under-secretary will disappear over the next six years.

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