IPN verifies the effectiveness of the belladonna against prostate cancer


After five years of research, scientists from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), verified the properties of the plant Kalanchoe flammea commonly known as belladonna, against cancer of the prostate

Specialists from the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy (ENMH) of this house of studies are about to initiate the clinical phase at patients, for the purpose of Phytotherapy which is marketed in a controlled manner.

In the Laboratory of Cell Biology and Natural Products Dr. Cynthia Ordaz Pichardo directs the research group that performed preclinical studies of the extract ( ] in vitro ] e in vivo ). Molecular tests of extracts, fractions and pure compounds of the plant have shown the presence of secondary metabolites called glycosides and cardiotonic terpenes, to name a few.

Scientists performed cytotoxicity tests on tumor cells and healthy cells to rule out any damage to the latter because belladonna is safe for healthy cells. With these results, a patent was made for the use of plant components in this type of dysplasia on behalf of IPN.

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In the next step, they evaluated extracts, fractions and pure compounds in animal models. First in a mouse xenotransplant model to demonstrate antitumor activity and then evaluate the toxicity of K. flammea in rats and rabbits, which were subjected to laboratory studies and histopathological analyzes and finally showed that K. flammea was negative for toxicity.

The research protocol included pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions, so that the trials of the belladonna extract in combination with the drug Docetaxel were repeated. Dr. Ordaz Pichardo explained that there was a synergy between the two treatments that helped kill the tumor cells by decreasing the concentrations and doses of the extract and the drug without harm healthy cells.

The specialist indicated that the mixture of Belladona extract with Docetaxel reduces the side effects of the disease, in addition to improving the quality and life expectancy in the xenotransplantation model murine.

Encapsulated, Kalanchoe flammea is to be administered to patients with stage 4 prostate cancer of the Juárez Hospital of Mexico, at the Jalisco Institute of Oncology and the Southeastern Chronic Disease Units (UNEMES) of Tabasco and Campeche.

"With these pilot tests regulated by bioethics committees, we can carry out the technology transfer so that the entrepreneurs of the pharmaceutical industry interested in the manufacture of herbal medicine can market, "said Ordaz Pichardo.

In this regard, he expressed his enthusiasm to conclude shortly the patient tests for bringing the drug to market with scientific support to those who need it and making the technology transfer that allows its marketing and its internationalization. the patent.

It should be noted that Iván Arias González, doctoral candidate in biotechnology sciences, and Sergio Iván Ángeles Falconi, who is currently studying at the same level at the ENMH, took part in this research. In the clinical part, the student of the career of Medicine and Homeopathy, Mariana Alcántara Rivera, also brings her knowledge in the advancement of this last step related to the treatment in patients with cancer of the prostate .

The research had the support of experts of the Herbarium of the School of Higher Studies (FES) Iztacala of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the Juárez Hospital of Mexico (HJM) and the National Cancer Institute (INCan)

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