Iran presents strategy to export oil despite US sanctions


Iran's first vice president, Eshaq Yahanguiri, today presented a plan to continue selling Iranian oil abroad despite US sanctions against the sector. which will come into effect next November. 19659004] The Iranian government will offer the country's oil through the national stock exchange Yahanguiri explained in a speech, broadcast on state television.

According to the vice president, the private sector can buy oil in the bag and then export it.

"The United States has focused on Iranian oil and does not want to sell it," said Yahanguiri, who added that this measure is "A psychological war"

In his speech, he pointed out that Washington's intention to ban Iranian exports is "an impossible decision" and that Iran has already begun to negotiate relations with "countries friends "to continue selling their oil

" In this oil battle, any country that wants to take the place of Iran in the oil market will be guilty of high treason against the Iranian nation, "added Yahanguiri, in allusion to Saudi Arabia.

Saudi King Salman bin Abdelaziz confirmed yesterday that is committed to increasing oil production at the request of US President, Donald Trump [19659003] for compensate for "any potential supply gap."

Trump had previously claimed on Twitter that he had asked the Saudi monarch an increase of two million barrels a day to contain oil prices because of "unrest and dysfunction in Iran and Venezuela ".

However, according to the Governor of Iran before the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Hosein Kazempur Ardebili, Saudi Arabia does not have the capacity Increase its crude output by two million barrels a day.

The EU withdrew last May from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran and again imposed sanctions on Tehran, including the energy sector, the main source of income of the Persian country.

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